Our Services

Facilitation of Opening of PNB OFW Savings Account (Peso or USD) and PNB Checking Account

Save while still abroad. We can facilitate opening of PNB OFW Savings Account (Peso or USD) and PNB Checking Account maintained in the Philippines. Kindly visit us and bring the following requirements: Two (2) current ID pictures, One (1) primary valid ID - for OFW Savings; and two (2) primary valid ID's - for PNB Checking Account.

Facilitation of Issuance of Global Filipino Cash Card

Experience fast, convenient, and safe remittances with the Global Filipino Card.

Facilitation of PNB Own a Philippine Home Loan (OPHL)

Own a Philippine Home Loan or OPHL is a financing program unique to PNB. It allows Filipinos and non-Filipinos residing and working in the Middle East an easy way to obtain a bank financing of residential properties in the Philippines.