PNB High Dividend Fund Posts a High YTD Return of 26.55%

The PNB High Dividend Fund was among the top 3 best-performing equity fund in the industry based on data gathered from the website
For the first three quarters of 2014, it registered an impressive Year-To-Date Return On Investment (YTD-ROI) of 26.55%. The fund’s exceptional rate of return can be attributed to positive market conditions, specifically the bullish performance of the Philippine stock market and the fund’s unique investment strategy.
The PNB High Dividend Fund was launched in the second quarter of 2012. It is the first domestic equity fund in the Trust Industry that seeks dividend income and capital appreciation by investing in listed companies that have high dividend yields and have an established history of paying dividends.
Moreover, the fund offers its investors higher earnings potential as it has access to two sources of income: dividends and price appreciation. It also invests in strong, established and stable companies, which are typically the companies that are highly-liquid and have high, regular dividend payouts. The fund is intended for savvy investors who are aware of the potential for high yield in stock markets investments, and are also willing to take the corresponding risks of such investments.
The PNB High Dividend Fund is available for a minimum participation of only Php 10,000 – a much smaller amount than what one would ordinarily need to buy securities. In addition, the fund is a hassle-free investment for individuals who are too busy and don’t have ample time to manage their equities portfolio. They may leave this task to the expertise of professional fund managers who actively monitor the market for investment opportunities. As an added service to clients, they also get a diversified portfolio that helps reduce risk.
Aside from the PNB High Dividend Fund, PNB has another equity fund that aims to track the performance of the Philippine Stock Exchange Index (PSEi) – the PNB Enhanced PSEi Reference Fund (EPRF). YTD performance of the fund is 22.71%.
PNB has a complete UITF product line to cater to various types of clients, from conservative to aggressive. All these funds including the High Dividend and EPRF are accessible through the country’s first end-to-end UITF Online Facility that makes investing in UITF so easy and hassle-free.
For more information about the PNB High Dividend Fund and other PNB investment funds, you may visit the nearest PNB branch or call any of the following numbers: 573-4335, 573-4574, 573-4527 and 573-4597. You may also log on to